Things have been coming to mind, memories restimulated, as the months have gone by (right now I’m in a Leeds hotel) since the 12th section in this website was added by website designer Jason Hertz…..retractable bollards blocking cars from a Leeds street recalled one story……and Facebook reminded me of mail interference ~~~ which is this: a CD-ROM, posted by London’s Charing Cross Hospital (not near Charing Cross, West Ealing nurses made that mistake, not me)…..showing the lead slug in the middle of my neck, lying at the pharynx section of my windpipe…..the CD-ROM was to display X-ray images of the slug, or pellet, or bullet……whatever you want to call it……remember the entry point/damage tract begins just under the right-hand chin bone, smashes thru tissue to rest against the thyroid gland….it looks like a white blob in the middle of my neck in the X-rays……… therefore travelled inside me four or five inches or something…….police & knowledgeable friends were shocked, used to stories of air-rifle pellets embedded in people’s skin & not much further….
……..the CD-ROM came thru the letter box……smashed into 7 or 8 bits…..if you have ever tried to bend a CD-ROM, you might feel a……year 2011 CD-ROM…….is difficult to break in two bits, let alone a bunch of bits…..I had thought I would need to prove my injury to my employers, knew the hospital had offered me this record of the injury, therefore decided to ask them to post it to my Edinburgh address…..the summer of 2012 is when this happened…..
…….it is worth detailing this…..the letter did not attract attention from others in the house…..I eagerly opened it… see the CD-ROM in pieces, I didn’t count them, maybe it was 10 or 11 jagged chunks….BUT…..difficult for a child to do……the pieces had been jig-sawed back into their circle shape….to achieve that, wouldn’t the vandal have needed to…..
Open my mail obtaining Post Office collaboration
Painstakingly break the CD-ROM into a lot of pieces
Put them back together on a very smooth surface
Someone then holds the NHS envelope
Another person slides the pieces into the NHS envelope
They re-close the envelope, then,
Post the letter………?!?… least two persons probably did it.
I don’t think an average vandal or mischievous child could avoid the letter looking obviously badly damaged, thus attracting the attention of flatmates and visitors…..all of whom were either lawyers, or very very knowledgeable about law……any children who visited were always quiet, bookish, doing well at school…..there’s just nothing to say about anyone.
If I get any publicity from this writing, & MI5 induce some street urchin/s to tell the MSM “I did it”, I would like people to demand that he or she or they do it all over again in front of us……MI5 always get some fucker to talk shit, & it’s what people tend to believe……well, believe it or not, Facebook is what reminded me of that incident, a few months ago. I had forgotten about it.
Retractable bollards at either end of a street in Leeds… only workers like binmen can be allowed in…..maybe this incident sounds very different…..I thought about a London shop frontage, it looked like a Body Shop…..this happened in London… suddenly gave way in front of people, then a procession of cars went down an otherwise hidden street… of the people witnessing this was a well-known BBC TV personality called Philip Schofield…..who very quickly got cameras set up to film it, a secret street……for which, his BBC bosses rewarded him…..with……the sack.
The public didn’t actually get to hear about it, a friend described that to me, as the real reason Schofield didn’t have a job, not what was in the papers. A bit different to visibly retractable bollards. Use Wikipedia to read a biog of Philip Schofield, some of it won’t be true.
The Mafia infrastructure John Dickie found so surprising in writing Cosa Nostra, they were/are……so much more organised than he expected…..apply that principle to the upper class a thousand times over……that Schofield story suggests extensive inveiglement…..someone, Chris, told me
“I was a police officer in London, & was briefed on methods of agitating protesters, the police should walk alongside them…..using police boots to scrape their shins, let their batons stick into their ribs, shove them… was like a type of martial arts class……but the police are all guaranteed by the BBC that police violence will be edited out, the editing will make the demonstrators look like the initiators of the violence” ~ ……so they will be constantly discussing keeping the Mainstream Media looking truthful, once a news reader called Reginald Bosanquet was kicked around by the police, he appeared on TV battered & bruised…..he was also given psychotropic drugs like Modecate later on, so he slurred his speech reading the news on TV…..he was a newsreader for an independent TV station, not the BBC, that was the 1980s. I wondered if they were just giving an outward impression of annoying the police, it was all staged.
…….also been thinking about Russell Harty’s death……as I begin this, some readers might think of Stephen Knight, first writer about “the masons” …..Russell Harty’s death was 1988, early June of that year… different generations of readers could take it upon themselves to YouTube or read a bit about him…..said to be liver failure thru contracting hepatitis, I think B hepatitis……so my 1988 consciousness was news reports on Russell’s deteriorating health, “a liver transplant has been attempted with Russell Harty”, “…..hopefully he will improve now….” “Russell Harty’s well being has taken a turn for the worse”, “Russell Harty died yesterday…..”……it was all shit.
October 1994…..I met Jack Miller, he claimed to be famous all over the world, “except Britain”, “Britain’s the only place I can simply walk around in, they don’t know me here”, he said…..we randomly got talking in a bar in London’s Cromwell Road, near the Royal Albert Hall, having listened to a talk by David Wood about his book he’d just published, GenIsis, a lot of which is about Rennes le Chateau…..everyone crowded David Wood, nobody thought Jack was anybody…..with 1962 & 1963 Petrus champagne in his cellar, he had all the most expensive conceivable wines…..Jack and I just couldn’t be bothered striving to say what could only be insignificant to David Wood…..we sat together drinking beer….at some point in the conversation, Jack blurted out……
“……and I don’t think Russell Harty died the way they said he did…..I used to live in the same area as Russell Harty in London, and I went to all the same bars as him……and I saw very heavy types of guys forcing people to say ‘Yes, Russell Harty was a homosexual’, quite violently like…..and I witnessed this in more than one bar…..they were going round all Russell’s favourite bars, violently making people say ‘Yes Russell was homosexual’ so I don’t think he died the way they said he did. I don’t think he was even homosexual.”
Russell’s mother also did say to press, “I don’t remember him having any gay partner”, when enquired of re Russell Harty’s “parties for homosexuals, where he had most probably contracted hepatitis B, in which manner it is sometimes transmitted…..” meaning the public to think of gays merrily fucking butts.
Russell had been asked, in an interview, about a female relationship, & he had answered, “……well, I kind of have a cleaning lady coming in to clean my house in the morning…..”, & 1980s newspapers stated he appeared to be living on his own (some celebrities, like Condoleezza Rice, are so frequently doing public appearances, that is literally their only relationship, which is easy to exploit by the Gay Lies Fraternity)
…….anyway, I notice Irish writer James O’Neill is stated as having “lived with Rjussell Harty for four years”, wonder how his mother (& the cleaning lady) missed that……bearing in mind “liars’ eyes looking down or sharply to the left”, or both….wouldn’t mind interviewing Mr O’Neill……”Did Russell Harty die of hepatitis B”, would be a good starter……I did also meet someone who strongly asserted he believed he had seen Russell Harty in Edinburgh’s Lothian Road Filmhouse Cinema……..while news reports were describing Russell as incapacitated by hep, in a St James Hospital bed: this witness stated, “There was nothing wrong with him whatsoever. He was just totally his usual self.” I was totally incredulous at that, & struggled to be as severe as possible in checking this witness out, me saying, “Are you dead sure about that?” but in answer he quite well imitated Russell’s jaunty, bouncy demeanor that had become famous & was very distinctive on TV…….remember Russell’s hair style & everything……
Obviously, the whole point of this writing, as per my opening paragraphs, is about the dirty tricks squads……”Our favourite lie to put in the papers is to say someone’s gay”…..I knew to believe this more than most…..I phoned Jack a few days later about Russell, thinking of doing a thing more publically on his death, but Jack went,
“I never said any such thing mate. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You would think I wouldn’t hear from him after that, but we were restaurant partners for a few years, he would call me up each time he returned to the UK, we enjoyed each other’s conversation. I have absolutely no idea whether he was gay or straight, had children…..our conversation was always totally intelectual……but for sure, he wasn’t one to trust the mainstream media, the msm as it is often acronymed… the thing about Stephen Knight…..his book about the masons & their power details the masons as having a lot of influence in surgeons, “You’ll just die of what they’ve decided to say you’ve died of, they’ve got influence throughout the mainstream media & hospitals & everything….” Stephen Knight was much more discussed in the 1980s…..things get very generational, & some things are very serious to find out about……because, you see, Stephen Knight’s death was quite mysterious…..but you guys reading this can find out about Stephen Knight any time you want……what Jack claimed to my face in that bar is objectively correspondable to specifically Stephen Knight’s descriptions in his book. What I have heard about Stephen Knight’s death, is, they believe his first epileptic fit was half-way thru a talk, in Australia…..the talk was about the reason for the Jack the Ripper murders, & the conspiracy theorists think a hand-held maser beam was fired at him while he was speaking……that’s what I’ve overheard people saying, I wasn’t as knowledgeable when these big things were being said.
Esther Rantzen has been said to be a member of a female version of the masons…..and a friend of mine has experienced seeing Rantzen “doing a thing on my boss”, he was describing this to me in 1982, his name was Frank.
This was a boss of the Queensway furniture business, Rantzen had travelled down from London to the delta north of Edinburgh called Fife, think I’ve described this…..”…..but we all knew the guy hadn’t done a fuckin’ thing of what she was sayin’. She was framin’ the bastard. Some rich woman picked up the phone & brought Rantzen down just like that, to show off the power.”
Queensway began to demise in 1991, completely folding in 1992, customers were battering Queensway doors down to get furniture they had ordered they hadn’t received……possibly Rantzen’s frame-up played a role in their disintegration.
……nor is Muz Murray any great believer in the mainstream media…..a yoga teacher……I travelled to bucolic Grimstone Manor, just north of Plymouth, maybe in 1989…..for a few days of yoga, expecting to do nothing but chillax…..chill out……and maybe I did do that…..but Muz Murray is fond of announcing to his budding sadkhas…..well, one of us asked, while he was standing in the practice room & us all sitting down…..
“What made you take up yoga Muz?”, & he answered,
“I was just running from the BBC because I thought they were going to kill me. That’s all I was doing. I simply got as far away as possible, I ended up in Tibet, high up in the mountains, & I learnt some things, like the buddhist yell.” (Muz had got us to do a loud sort of yell, but you start from the lowest note your voice can sing down to, to the highest note you can sing……just one long aaaaaaaaaaaa constantly rising in pitch, then from the highest pitch to the lowest). “The masons are a big thing in the BBC, loads of people are masons in the BBC.”…….think back to Doone Bailey’s father’s thing about 300 Hertz……might they feel threatened by that phenomenon? “He embezzled and embezzled throughout his whole life, and always got out of jail in a few days”, is Doone talking about her father.
Muz was probably very correct……it was Plymouth where the BBC blocked off a street for a very long time, in making a TV series in the early 90s….but never watching television, how do I know that?
……because a man by the surname of Batty accidentally left his dossier on a train, & I found it…….read it……I also lost it, & wished I had contacted Mr Batty to ask him about it……
The entire dossier, lots of documents inside a brown folder…..was about the absolute hellishness of the behaviour of the BBC personnel on that street, it would seem to me he was planning on representing Plymouth people about the amount of trouble the Plymouth locals had been experiencing from them….but he lost the all-important documentation, & collection of anecdotes of Plymouth people…….I think of my mind being tampered with, to make me lose things….which at the moment, is too unbelievable to the non – implanted person.
Even if this technology was revealed, they’d have trouble believing what we are claiming they did with it.
To set down in this website data what are parts of my personal biog, has some worth….it is worthwhile describing Tony Collins info to me individually, it’s not of worth to describe what’s in his book you can get out the library ~ Tony Collins is one of the very few people who has successfully sued the BBC ~ a play appeared on TV sometime in the years following the publication of Open Verdict……incredibly dependent on the material, dependent on the information in, Open Verdict, without crediting Tony for the information……he sued successfully.
Maureen Plantagenet would be useful to Tony in that lawsuit…..she wrote a very interesting article, published in a Guardian newspaper, about witnessing the BBC stealing ideas the public had sent in, she says something like this:
“It was so incredibly organised to open viewers’ letters, evaluate the worth of their suggestion, then they have a brief discussion as to which already rich & famous TV personality to give the idea to, then her or him is contacted, probably pretentiously occasionally giving an idea to a woman, or some ethnic representative”…..the token black, the token female… appear not to be biased, although they are…..
I’ll mention wheelchair-bound Andrew Liddiard, who was still working for the BBC when he emailed me to a Yahoo address I had……I can’t get back into my Yahoo email, all I remember is Andrew conveying his suspicion regarding the accident which has paralysed him, there had been an effort to ‘bump him off’……he told me about a media worker “throwing himself out the window to kill himself”, but crowds gathered round the mess on the ground, commenting on the distance the body seemed to have flown thru the air…..that’s all I can remember, it would be good to be back in touch with him, we lost contact. He is in a wheelchair, still employed by the BBC…..with suspicions the BBC engineered the incident that wheelchaired him.
…….perhaps to return to the subject of thought-screens, whether such a thing exists at all, a couple of stories have come to mind……the first is via Alexandra Wernher, got this from friend Regina Cullen…..Alexandra Wernher had been a chatelaine for the Royal Family, a chatelaine is like a castle’s janitor……it’s particularly interesting, because the Wernhers had been THE only people who had been chatelaines for the British Royal Family…..if a Wernher died, there were never then going to be 99 job applications for the vacant post……a Wernher simply always did it……this had been true for the Wernhers for hundreds of years, a chatelaine is seen as a politically sensitive job……for hundreds of years the Wernhers were Britain’s chatelaines…..
…..a little hiccup broke the flow…..
…….Sir Nicholas Philips was “found dead in a fume-filled car”……& Alexandra Wernher went on the run…..I think he died in 1991, 1st of March, 1991……he had been a keen sponsor of the arts…..found well out of sight, “in his car”, on his own Luton Hoo estate……Alexandra’s squat bolt suggests a lot of rubbish was in the newspapers about it……the Wernhers have some kind of hand in diamond mines in South Africa, I doubt that’s the reason for murdering him……but if serious students of the Dark fArts are reading this…….the South African bruderbond were implicated in the 1984 death of 78-year-old, one-eyed, Hilda Murrell, it was she herself who had mentioned them in a phone call to her nephew……worriedly…….again you can read about that currently…..
……I hesitate to be confident of the reason for Sir Nicholas Philips’ death, because quite a lot of art experts have died mysteriously, Thomas Ince’s death on The Cat’s Miaow 100 years ago, for instance……thought now to have been shot dead by the yacht’s owner, multi-millionaire William Randolph Hearst, although he used his influence to get it reported as a suicide…..Ince had become an art expert……
…….so Alexandra Wernher, in sudden extreme terror bolted for the squats of London…..Regina Cullen, whom I had become friendly with in the early 90s, had encountered Alexandra, Alexandra had told her she knew for definite Sir Nicholas had been murdered & a lot of rubbish appeared in the papers about it……Regina further informed me of Alexandra’s travail…..sitting in a leafy suburban London flat….
“In an effort to induce extreme terror in Alexandra, the masons’ agents were going up to her, as she walked around, & saying things into her ear things that she had only been thinking, they made sure they conveyed they had some means of reading her mind. But they haven’t done anything else.”
Possibly this was experimental, to observe the psychological effect of such an anti-personnel manoeuvre……she had become financially impotent, as opposed to part-owning a diamond mine, she was now dependent on rent-free squatting……maybe that is reminiscent of the girl attacked by the phones zoning in on her brain waves, Alexandra just didn’t see the thought-screen devices…….that whole story is only here in this website. Regina & I both knew the Queen’s Doctor, Doctor Ratner, had been the actual killer of quite a few upper class people, they pushed their victims onto their faces, flat on their chests, pulled their trousers & pants down, then injected poison into the gluteus maximus, “whereupon a load of rubbish went into the papers about how they died”.
We had a meeting of thought-screen victims, or victims & people who feel the tech should be disclosed to the public, one woman’s story was represented without her being physically present, so here goes:
“Malgorzata, as we are calling her, was the only person achieving one hundred words per minute as a typist, prospectively to be working with the BBC, there had been thirty other applicants, so she more or less had to be offered the work. The final acceptance, you’ve-got-the-job interview was to be on the 9th floor of what has been called Soho House, a building which seems to have seen a fair few changes, she called it Soho House, it’s already changed from that name.
The issue is, that on her journey to the interview @ Wood Lane, a mixture of train & tube, she worked out different emails & passwords only in her mind, hoping to have more of an Internet presence on getting the job. She hadn’t taken it all that seriously, it was also just something to do during the journey there, she might just as easily have done a crossword or sudoku.
Malgor got out the lift on the 9th floor and walked along to where these suits were sitting, but off to one side of her as she walked along, three or four guys were standing around an easel with a board on it, & that board had a large sheet of cartridge paper on it, & on that was written in noticeable size of lettering……all those emails & passwords……she said it was obvious from their body language they were expecting her to get a huge fright.
……so all she did is carry on walking as if nothing had happened, sat down, pulled her phone out, said, I’m sorry, I’ve been offered a job in the family business, then she stood back up then strutted back out, back to the lift, which luckily was still on the 9th floor. That didn’t mean she got it though – she pressed the ground floor button from outside the lift, then started rapidly going down stairs……she thinks she went out of a different door to the one she entered the complex with, she then got into a taxi & took it all the way home…..that’s the gist of the story, she decided to leave her mum & dad’s address & stay in a squat after that, it’s a few years since that happened.”
The group had thought the guy who was her rep was also her boyfriend, but he wasn’t, the guy & his girlfriend & ‘Malgor’ & her boyfriend frequently make a foursome going out with each other, so a confusing impression had been given in Facebook & email exchanges…..until the meeting happened, & he cleared things up. “No, my girlfriend’s called plain old Sarah, unfortunately”, he quipped.
…… there you have another thought-screen anecdote…….this young, or maybe not so young now, foursome, do know Malgor as a bit frightened, & has done that thing of going home & going to work by different routes, though their consensus of opinion is those male bastards won’t try anything. Still, it’s quite an explosive story to know someone is walking freely around able to tell Joe Public… I’m doing right now.