The Tenth One

A section focusing on my medical history……
An ophthalmologist claimed he could see electronic apparatus through one of my eyes, by shining a powerful beam through a pupil, can’t recall which one……this conversation took place relatively recently, about ten years ago is what I mean by recent.
I start with this, because my opinion as to when this implant was inserted (no memory of this happening)……the implant was inserted within a few days of my birth…..4th of October, 1954……which most people will find too incredible, we weren’t that advanced, blah blah blah. And it was done because of the docs going on about my Beethoven-like skull…..according to my mum & dad (both deceased within months of each other in 2013, the year of the disappearance of Yulia Solodyankina)……that was the skull they compared mine to, though Einstein is the famous skull commented on at birth. 
I think they had the big idea of watching the development of a big individual.
Age of around 10, a bad tonsillectomy resulted in limited vocal range, so singing ability affected……that is part of my theorising about rock musicians taking songs out of my head, I couldn’t sing what I imagined.
The sociologists will refer to me never receiving any pocket money 💰, the UK made it law for parents to give pocket money @ some point in UK history. 
I was circumcised in late adolescence, which isn’t of much significance in comparison to getting no money from the parents… was giving money to mum to buy cigarettes & whisky……very weak in character as he was, the sociologists would be interested in my father doing National Service… know that “Bring Back National Service” is some politicians’ opinion, citing “strengthening of character” as a value…….I’ve known no weaker person than Robert Bryan Moncur, my father. 

To mix in acquiring a qualification for precocious high school students…..then being under psychiatric care…..I had become friendly with a girl with CIA connections, describing brain screens…….then I began to be assaulted by means of a brain screen……but couldn’t know that was what was happening at the time……for the lawyers, I have been thinking of a first period……of ripped open snailmail, for about three months around 1972, the address at which this was occurring was mummy and daddy’s… early as 1972, MI5 had put out an order to monitor my life by ripping open mail, I have asked a former postman of many years experience how easy it is to organise that…..he thought it would be very difficult, & could hardly believe it had happened to me ~ & it happened a second time, roughly March / April / May 1992, so much is being crammed into this website. Because I became aware of no-one else mentioning such extensive intrusión……possibly to do with a certain girlfriend’s CIA acquaintances?

Onset of psychiatric care, therefore: accidental overdose of psychotropic drug, modecate……huge seizure. The side-effects of modecate are referred to as ‘tardive diskynesia’…..& I actually only found out thru discovering research papers on modecate…..on a train whilst working on it…….so you could feel me reading 📚 about modecate……about 40 years after the overdose 
…..hunching of shoulders…..
…….left-ward swing of the brain, weakening neural fasciculations in the left-hand temporal lobe…..molecular handedness is a human issue….supposedly the modecate causes an increased risk of a stroke, & the left-hand temporal lobe is an exceptionally dangerous area for a stroke to happen in……so one of my memories is TV cameraman’s daughter, Edward Bailey’s daughter……reaching out over the Seeds restaurant table, to pinch between her fingers, a lock of my hair, just at the point on the left-hand side of my skull, beneath which is the synapse stressed by my sinistrorse cerebrum…….just couldn’t resist the most inconceivable alliteration……
Hunching of shoulders & left-ward tending of the brain, you find out your brain can move around……the modecate damage makes it yaw……
So approximately 45 years later, doing voluntary work for the Forest Arts Cafè, where I carried a coffee or two to Yulia Solodyankina, the brain screen will show one or two people saying to me ‘What’s with the hunching of your shoulders man?’…… you see what I mean…..?…….forty-five years after the massive modecate jab of x hundreds of milligrams more than the psychiatrist had scrawled for a nurse who just wanted to see men naked……I’m still exhibiting ‘tardive diskynesia’…..permanent mutilation, scarred for life…..on the brain 🧠 under the skin & bone……and then I was

…shot……… hour into the 6th of November, 2011, having loosed off fireworks around 22.00hrs three hours earlier……still walking around the garden with about twenty others, Love Like Blood was playing on the West Ealing property’s big white screen, propped up at one end of the big garden, like, the band and the sound……when the bullet struck. 
The entry point is just under the chin, your molar-type teeth are just above the tiny scar……the air-rifle lead slug travelled three or so inches, and is now directly behind my windpipe, if I put my finger on my Adam’s Apple, the tract of damage is from that hyaloid bone to exactly behind the……pharynx, is another word. Surgeons decided not to operate. 
So an air-rifle slug traversing at least three inches within a body…..the police had to refer to “an exceptionally powerful air-rifle which must have had infra-red nightsights to hit with pinpoint accuracy”…….the incident was kept out of the newspapers, that was the police idea to increase the possibility of catching the gunperson, which they didn’t. 
Another guy was hit, directly opposite me on the other side of the garden, could that have been me moving, wanting to hit me again? Political hits involve discussion as to how the story will sound…..(which I have said earlier in this website)…..reported in the MSM, so he mighty have made the incident sound nutty on MI5 orders, and rapidly fired off several shots……
At first I thought I had been hit by a champagne cork, I thought a pop I’d heard was someone opening a bottle……a cork in the neck…..I’ve seen a champagne 🍾 cork make a hole in a very high ceiling. 
Police drove me round to West Ealing Hospital with the other victim of “that random nutter” (probably what he wanted people to say)…..he had been hit in the forehead……he & I have remained friendly, however he has stipulated he does not want his name mentioned.
The lead slug hit my thyroid gland, thumped into it, still lies in contact with it inside me, in the middle of my neck……iodine is a big mineral with the thyroid gland, & I notice a greater dependency on iodine supplements, or I feel colder than I would, the thyroid gland is a biological thermostat. 
And clinical depression……you know the difference between most depression……& this physical sensation of drainage of nutrients from your brain, makes you feel like you can’t enjoy seeing people enjoying themselves, that’s the basic feeling…..of clinical depression.

Something else worth adding…..a health professional took an electroencephalogram, an ee ee jee, from my brain……& declared it the worst he’d ever taken…..he had all of the other electroencephalograms pasted up all round his office, which I had travelled to Glasgow to experience, out of curiosity……each sheet was a horizontal rectangle of graph paper……with a jagged line from left to right, zigging and zagging across it… electroencephalogram zig-zag was lower than every single one there…….and it wasn’t just a milimetre or centimetre lower, so that you would have to squint at the sheet……it was a good quarter of an inch lower than the rest……he looked shocked, he said,

“Every single one of these people are already sick, none of them are healthy, but yours is the worst I’ve ever taken.”

I propped up my brain cells by swallowing excessive amino acids; those supplements you see in health shops…..herbs, minerals, vitamins……I ignored the “recommended dose” on the label, frequently swallowing 8 or nine taurine capsules, or seven, three multis……with herbs like ginseng, ten capsules at a time……done that up to the present day…….amino acids also blunt the severity of the stings, which happen hundreds of times a day.

Today, 23rd October, 2021……I experienced exceptional worry about the area of damage of the brain on the left-hand side, the torn neural fasciculation…..the capillaries have been made very much thinner…….and even though the lead slug was shot into me almost exactly 10 years ago……that area of the neck was sore and stiff during the whole of the year 2012…..that same area has been sore and stiff again in recent months, 2021…….