What is on the collective mind of the British bourgeoisie? Here is a suggestion…….& obviously one can’t assume what was on Wormwood Scrubs’ prison governor’s mind in the mid-1980s, is part of the consciousness of Cara Delevigne & Co……but the governor of Wormwood Scrubs just had to poke his head into Gypsy’s cell, during his fifth year of incarceration, & tell him,
“We do things to show we don’t like the Scots. We’re deliberately letting nuclear missiles slip off battleships into Scottish lochs.”
It seems that Gypsy is/was a Scottish-born Hell’s Angel, who became leader of Leicester Hell’s Angels; he will have been away from Scotland for a long time, no longer feeling particularly Scottish. Gypsy told me that as leader of Leicester Hell’s Angels, he had had to enforce the Angels’ rules……and some teenagers were calling themselves The Wolves, official name of the Leicester Hell’s Angels……the Angels’ rules involve giving three warnings if someone is doing something annoying to them, & this Wolves group of Angels were becoming increasingly irritated by the teenagers calling themselves The Wolves, the teenagers knew what they were doing.
“So I went up to one of them with my small axe, to say stop usin’ our name, you’ve had three warnings, & gave him a chop on the left-hand shoulder, I admitted that to the police, & got five years for it. And I did the whole five inside.”
The usual process is for someone to do half the sentence the judge has passed inside, then half the sentence outside on probation, meaning regularly reporting to a designated police station for the rest of the “prison term”, a frustrating principle to a lot of people admittedly……buuuut……quite a lot of people would also agree……one cannot class Gypsy as a criminal in the same sense as an armed robber, killer, burglar, embezzler…….so the prison governor seems to have been gloatingly alluding to Gypsy doing the whole 5 years unusually inside, when he decided to look in on Gypsy in his cell, soon to be released, Gypsy must have been released 1988-ish, have to admit I’m doing the educated guess thing here.
I met Gypsy while I was staying in a bedsit at the top of a stair in Edinburgh, which was soon to be declared unsafe for random tenants by a fire hazards officer…….the act of kicking everybody out of that flat was to lead to another strange incident……..but we must focus on this Very Very English prison governor coming out with this thing of nuclear missiles deliberately slid into Scottish lochs……
A few years later, one of my railway workmates said he’d seen a nuclear missile slide off a battleship into the Gairloch, which is a bit like a bucolic fjord, more than a loch……..there has been a nuclear submarine base there for a long time……I looked obviously shocked, which he, Sean, couldn’t know the reason for, Sean responded to my shocked look by saying,
“That’s nothing, my father’s seen that happen quite a few times!!! He lives on the banks of the Gairloch!”
I hadn’t seen Gypsy since 1989, since the fire officer had ordered us to leave the flat extremely suddenly, but obviously I began thinking…….about Gypsy’s honest desire to tell the truth…….
It was roundabout 1990 that an Edinburgh University student, called “John”, told me his mother was increasingly worried by the state secrets she was getting told, “John” worriedly informed me, “She was so worried by the secret of a nuclear missile falling into Loch Lomond she felt she just had to tell me, to try to help her with it, it was really severely worrying her. She walked into the kitchen at breakfast time in the morning & told me sitting at the breakfast table.” Which is breaking the Official Secrets Act, which every civil servant signs, no matter how far they are from secrecy, if they are working in a souvenir shop in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, they still sign the Official Secrets Act.
………meanwhile, being forced to move around a lot, from bedsit to bedsit, resulted in an incident which, in my opinion, possibly betrayed, in terms of a paper trail……..teenage or younger readers might need to think themselves out of the present day Internet phenomenon, back to receiving dozens more letters per week thru letter boxes…….
……an incident occurred possibly giving me paper, documentation-type evidence, of my secret relationship with the BBC, or maybe TV studios in general, there’s that Sky TV secret room story………….after the flat in Bath Street had been sold by landlord/owner Neil Hardie in 1987, I got a flat near the Meadows, (I think) then I’d moved from the flat near the Meadows…..to a flat in Laurieston Gardens……to Crichton Place where the fire officer removed everyone…….to Hartington Place meeting Ron of Heriot-Watt…….to 11, Clarence Street……..each residence lasted around 6 months…….for a good few years, I was moving around like that…….& I had decided never to possess a television when I left home in 1980……
……..in Clarence Street…….during the year 1991…….I received three reminders to renew my “TV licence”……..having mentioned this to a few people…….like, am I right to think that’s a bit odd, & suggestive of BBC TV participating in surveillance activity…….?………but how had they obtained my address………& I had never had a TV of any sort……..?……..some people answered, “Isn’t a multitude of residents in a big flat supposed to be covered by the owner of the property?”………which may simply not be true, my ego felt happy enough with the look of surprise on their faces at this description.
This has never happened at any other of the multitude of addresses I have resided in, before or after…….I think the two-way mind-link relay of my thoughts, maintained over many years, many years meaning from October 1954, has had some level of Intranet reference……..a slip-up, slipping my data into……..one must search for words here…….a sort of slipstream of the normal addresses regularly experiencing letters being sent out by the BBC……an Intranet that the public assumes exists……..over against an Intranet that the public would never believe…….data from one has slipped accidentally into the other……..resulting in me receiving a “reminder to renew your TV license”……so a certain housewife in Hull receives a once-only Xmas card to her husband 20 years after his disappearance…..?!?……roughly the same period of time……?
If there are religious members of the CIA, NSA, MI5……& other Likud-like social counter-formations……..reading this…….it sure sounds like something doesn’t like your secrecy…….coincidences, collisions of random factors….sound very strange…….& surely disclosure is the preferable eventuality…….?!?
How do I know a device in a remote location has my brain number, & someone is listening to me?
If you imagine the sequence of personalities drooling over the radar-like lock-on to your mind being distinct in the sense that Jimi Hendrix is distinct from Carlos Santana……or Chopin is distinct from Debussy……..you know someone different is playing you……by means of body stings, mind image transmission, sexual abuse sensations, push-button sex thought……I can tell that a different shift has started around 5am or 6am……………being on railway nightshift in Edinburgh, I could hear a dayshift start in BBC offices in London.
It seemed they would focus on a particular affect on my existence, in 1970 till 1974, morbid sensations kept on suddenly gripping me, and suddenly stopping, the public, the people reading these words, will find it difficult to believe……..you could feel someone flick a switch. Switch a light on, and I’m as suddenly feeling morbid like that, and it would stop just as suddenly…….and after a few years of that, they never did it again, that effect stopped for good.
Equally, they could make me feel peaceful…….but sudden flicked switch peacefulness only began during the 1990s, and was a consequence of my learning that vegan dieting gave them difficulty…….they could cause sharp pain with greater difficulty……that also increased their financial difficulty ……they seemed to need to switch something off because of pure vegan meals, and occasionally I would feel better……and when they switched it back on…….it’s as if they had an enturbulator frequency…….
Families, children of families, complained into my mind they were being bullied into paying the higher costs of watching me, I could overhear them getting more money demanded of them, children were sounding frightened, money being demanded of them individually…..that difference happened thru vegan dieting.
………can we call this: reverse-wave propagation-induced interferentiality? …….they were/are affording expenditure on UK energy systems……to keep my brain-waves a little less coherent, to disturb me……which isn’t very believable, remembering Moira Stuart saying “I feel I’m being told what to do by surprisingly unpleasant people”, corresponds to my feeling as to who is using the brain screen……
“….and three other BBC workers, whose jobs involve putting out the news with Moira Stuart but not appearing on TV, supported her” there were newspaper reports about that also……& fellow newscaster John Humphries supporting Moira, remember…….