Maybe there’s going to be a feeling of little bits & pieces in a last section; I hardly know whether this will be a last section, little factoids keep coming to mind……though possibly the most surprising ‘last’ bit of information is that, whilst recounting the two ‘funny room stories’ earlier on in ✍ writing the content for this website……I knew of a third. Purely & simply because the third Funny Room Story was not the BBC, but Sky TV Studios, I held it back…..however, it is slightly more detailed. Let’s rip off Franz Kafka, there is more need for a pseudonym with this one, let’s refer to this info-source as K.
K was in his early days as a Sky TV debutante in early 1992, working as a cameraman, his new colleagues were being “friendly as anything like”, “and they were saying, ‘Wait till you see what we can do with ultra-low frequencies man, absolutely incredible, totally fantastic!’ Then they found out I wasn’t from England, and suddenly they went completely cold on me. Wouldn’t give me the time of day, completely ignoring me on the lift, all this sort of crap!”
He was informing me of this in August 1993, in a Sheffield bar.
“Your accent is pretty good, I was surprised when you told me you weren’t from England…..”
“Well anyway, the rest of it is, ever since then, ever since I joined Sky, there’s been this funny room newbies are taken into, and they get shown some funny screen using some funny frequency…..and every so often they’re found dead, in really weird ways, you know like those Marconi deaths, do you know about these deaths of Marconi scientists?!?”
(Answering keeping the Ron stuff from him)
“Yes, I have a copy of Open Verdict, by Tony Collins, I know what you mean.”
“Their deaths are all like that, & nothing gets into the papers.”
An anecdote which puts my mind back to Ron’s experience with the psychiatrists, as a psychiatric nurse, overhearing the psychiatrists……the impression that an utterly incredible phenomenon has been discovered……& state security means, the slightest sign that you might talk about this, & we will kill you…..that IS the official definition of the Above Top Secret category…..someone, a former sailor with the Royal Navy, wrote to me individually in the mid-1990s to describe his introduction to Above Top Secret….I DO remember his name, but hopefully the reader sees the EXTREME dangerousness towards him of naming him….he didn’t get told all that much anyway, which was part of his puzzlement.
His naval commander (1994-ish, time-wise) selected him to be trained in the use of a laser cannon (I strongly suspect it was an on-deck Thor II laser, let’s just say that’s an educated guess)…..this is totally on his own, the entirety of the crew of the naval destroyer oblivious to this little tuition session…..& during the tuition session, the naval commander kind of got into telling this letter-writer,
“The slightest sign that you might talk about this, and we will definitely kill you. That is what the definition of Above Top Secret is, the slightest sign that you might talk, and we will kill you. That will go for anything else we tell you that is Above Top Secret, on pain of death you must not talk about anything we tell you that is Above Top Secret.”
The letter-writer was then shown how to operate the laser cannon…..and was a bit puzzled that all he was being shown was another weapon, it didn’t seem to be enough for such a heavy rigmarole.
Nevertheless, it was also a very heavy letter to just read, it was definitely only me he sent that letter to.
…….to just pause & contemplate, dear reader……that at some point, as you work in television, you are considered, by some mysterious top brass personnel you will probably never meet… have entered Above Top Secret categorisation……
It was not easy to enquire of TV personnel……obviously it crossed my mind to ask persons comprising TV echelons…..I had acquired a copy of an Ariel magazine, and had some email addresses from that……and what happened next, I could feel the owner of the Internet café reacting to…..
None of the emails went.
That was on one computer…..I asked the Internet café owner if I could try another computer, wondering if there was something wrong with that computer, the owner opened up another one for me…..the emails would have been enquiring about Marconi, Tony’s book Open Verdict, & TV & radio personnel….again the emails wouldn’t send.
I tried from a third computer, the emails just wouldn’t go……nothing, no enquiry re Marconi, got a response……I think the subject is black ⚫ ed, not me as a person……maybe the reason is more innocent, but the Internet café owner was highly perplexed also……this had to be around 2003, 2004…..I should have been keeping a diary.
There is a similar quality to an incident Tony Collins informed me of, again it was me individually, he emailed me this…..
A librarian had contacted Tony…..she told him….someone, who would have to have been acting from the depths of some Whitehall department….had deleted the ISBN number of Tony’s book, let’s just repeat the entire title: Open Verdict: 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defence Industry in an incredibly surreptitious attempt to make Tony’s book difficult to find…..suggesting quite a neurotic reaction to the publishing of this little tome, which could only be on the part of the MoD. Tony had forwarded her email about this to me.
That very short anecdote suggests the librarian had read something of Tony’s book, & would be of the opinion that that suppressive act……conveyed MI5, Whitehall, Special Branch et al… opinion is, that librarian saw the significance of that incident in terms of further support of the pointed finger…..@ the British establishment as supplying this butchery service.
Dying a death reminiscent of the Marconi scientists…..purely, & simply having the surname of Marconi, is another issue I have had to think about…..Alessandra Marconi was an 18-year-old student in Edinburgh’s Stevenson’s College of Further Education…..she had…..or appeared to have…..completed one week of whatever course she had begun, before walking robotically out onto the very wide main road which is just outside Stevenson’s College, where a car “knocked her twenty feet into the air and she was killed instantly”, her mother came over from 🇮🇹 Italy & scrutinised the area of her daughter’s death, she had suspicions as to what had happened. This incident occurred in the late 90s, don’t recall the date, she had lived at 451 Calder Road, in Edinburgh…..for a very short while.
Another death, this is one of a Marconi employee, was reported in the Sunday Sport around the same time, I wish I had been making more notes, but this is racking my brains about news reports of more than 20 years ago… only recently occurred to me to think about the similarity of this Sunday Sport-reported Marconi scientist’s death, to Alessandra Marconi’s…..the Sunday Sport seemed to independently report…..this scientist “suddenly stopped his car on a fast dual carriage highway ‘just at the hard shoulder, got out of his car on the dangerous side, then started walking robotically across the road’ ….like Alessandra, he never made it to the other side, he was smashed into by a car…..the words “smashed 20 feet into the air” are words I never forgot reading in the Edinburgh Evening News in relation to Alessandra Marconi…..
It was particularly interesting, the Sunday Sport reporting that, & they accompanied the scientist’s odd behaviour report……with their recounting of the horrifying amount of strange Marconi scientists’ deaths, without the police investigating it, the Sunday Sport counted 14 or 15 strange deaths that they acknowledged were very weird, independently of Tony Collins’ 25 ~ though as I stood staring at the Sunday Sport’s front page, sitting amongst other newspapers in the newspaper racks in Waverley Station, I thought, “You’ve added one to Tony’s 25, so it can hardly be fourteen or fifteen!!!” Their front page journalist wrote, “That an exceptionally brilliant man should stop at the hard shoulder of a fast motorway, and get out on the road side and start walking across is utterly unbelievable!!!!”
Wish I could recall this better, reader, maybe with some publicity, more data will come to me.
Quite a large number of deaths of radio & TV personnel are very marconi. Mark Speight & Natasha Collins, a couple….it’s often occurred to me both partners may need to be exterminated, it being likely they would inform each other of any mysterious incident. January 2008, Natasha is claimed to have been found in a bath, dead from a drug overdose, whilst the water from the bath taps had been “so hot it left ‘burn’ marks all over her body”……Mark then “hung himself” in April.
In a room above an office used by police.
A police station in Paddington Railway Station, he had been planning to travel west, they said…..and the room Speight was found hanging dead in, “hanging by his shoelaces”, needed a security number to unlock the door to it, was directly above that police station….but people rationalise towards the simpler scenario, and “possibly builders there had left the door open”……for Mark to sneak in, in the very early morning, & render himself thusly dependent by means of his shoelaces……one feels curious as to a re-enactment of this means of self-expiration…..I am more inclined to say, the door’s security number enabled Mark Speight to be exterminated without witnesses, or interference.
……and this is a bit of support……another investigative writer has listed “the strangely high number of relatively young BBC presenters & employees who have died in mysterious circumstances” , he makes Mark Speight & Natasha Collins just two of very many…..
Extra details about Speight’s death needed me to be in London able to acquire small publication local newspapers, free & unfree……if you only got the MSM newspapers, a much less suspicious impression is given….racking my brains, a female station 🚉 supervisor first of all had commented, “It’s a bit strange, because that room needs a security lock and you need to know the code to open it.” ……I remember a comment on whether Mark could physically have climbed to where he was “found hanging dead”……high up amongst rafters, or joists, then manoeuvred on his own to tie shoelaces around his neck……and the bandying about of MI5’s fave lies – agents hoping I might become employed by them told me their favourite lie “to put the public off wanting to know much shit” is to say they’re gay…..&/or say they’re peeds…..but because they’re government-employed departments, with employees sitting round constantly inventing imaginative lies, it’s done very much more thoroughly, even fooling the “conspiracy theorist types” who think they are not being fooled.
I’ll deliberately state one of my thoughts knowing it’s completely ridiculous, but to put across the idea – I have often thought Denis Nilsen had killed no-one, the government death squads simply found someone they didn’t like, to pin the deaths on ~~~ so when Nilsen’s “autobiography” was announced, I thought “I bet a bunch of civil servants wrote it!”
They constantly work on the cover-ups….so you might be into all the big conspiracies, 9/11, JFK, 7/7 2005, London Bridge……but government units are constantly inventing further incidents which support the story the government + MI5, CIA, whatever, want you to believe… you know a Norwegian male tourist was camcordering as he walked over London Bridge 🌉 on the 3rd of June, 2017, returned to his hotel or whatever he was staying in, to hear about what had been supposed to be happening at the exact time he was casually filming on it…..perplexed, he replayed his camcorder to see nothing had appeared to have happened, it was just film of a normal day……time stamp and all…..he therefore uploaded the film onto YouTube, whereupon it kept on mysteriously being taken down, no explanation. Wikipedia’s (and others) descriptions that you can read right now, most especially the BBC’s map-depicted events sequence, are good examples of the putative incident…….now the only reason I know about this is because of a friend living very close to London Bridge, who noticed the Norwegian’s YouTube vid…..stored it in his computer’s hard drive…..then stored each repeated re-upload of this evidence of government-driven fabrication also in his hard drive, which demanded fairly diligent attentiveness from my friend.
“The guy tried to draw attention to his film and uploaded it onto YouTube, but each time he did that someone took it down.” YouTube certainly doesn’t like fake news, does it?
Then loads of further stories supportive of the London Bridge attack scenario kept on appearing in the MSM, which does make it feel very embarrassing to say nothing whatsoever happened.
The father of Jimmy Lawrence believes he has evidence that his son was not even hanging dead, as reported by the MSM.
Described as “found hanging dead” by the MainStream Media….from the roof of Peter Gabriel’s Real World Recording Studios, stumbled upon in the small hours of 15/1/2004 by other band members…….these studios are situated in a small village called Box……he had been the lead guitarist for Hope Of The States, whose advance for a debut album was historically the biggest ever, stated in euros, €1.3million.
How depressing.
Jimmy Lawrence’s girlfriend had just had a baby, & he had given an interview to a music paper the week before his demise.
I decided to include Jimmy’s death in a few descriptions of musicians’ deaths, in a website called…..which is down at the moment, my friend Andrea is planning to re-upload it….we ran into trouble jointly using the same webspace, we have had to retract our data from one webspace host……to another that we are a lot happier with…..
Anyway……Jimmy’s father noticed my recounting and suspicion of the death of his son, James Lawrence, on the Internet, & therefore contacted me via a female cousin (possibly this father was diffident regarding electronic communication) to tell me the family members had acquired the scarf James had supposedly hung himself with, which had no wrinkles (a scarf I bought recently had wrinkles in the middle of it after hanging in a shop, they’ve also been very difficult to get rid of)……so Mr Lawrence asked the police about the strangely smooth scarf, saying, “You would think after such a weight had been hanging by means of the scarf it would have wrinkles in it!”…….true, the scarf I just bought was hanging from a steel bangle in Marks & Spencers, & it was truly corrugated….anyway, the police absolutely stonewalled Mr Lawrence, completely ignored him, wouldn’t answer his question.
…….as opposed to “support groups for bereavement by suicide”, & “homicide victim support” groups, which police community liaison officers are expected to put such victims in touch with, you can use the Internet to access those right now……!!!
I would say that was a state-ordered hit-job, very suddenly demanded, in the early morning of the 15th of January, 2004…..had James Lawrence stumbled upon something in Peter Gabriel’s Real World Recording Studios?
What might he have stumbled on?
……and before describing a little bit of technological knowledge, I did some reading about suicide…..1960s psychology writing ✍ utilised empirical data of the time, i. e., very very few people had tried to hang themselves…..if they were actually going to commit suicide, they tried to do something gentler to themselves, overdose of a drug a la Huxley, slit their wrists into water in a bath……genuine suicides tend to avoid real physical abrasive pain…..things are very different in the 1980s/1990s/2000s/2010s/2020s……Yulia Solodyankina being representative of literally tens of thousands of people supposedly hanging themselves in recent decades……
…….and so……what might have been accidentally discovered in Peter’s cavernous expanse of a new idea for a studio…..?!?……(this musician’s intent was to build a very much more capacious studio for professional musicians to create in, relax in)……may be suggested by a multi-millionaire’s experience in the lush surrounds of James Cameron’s wealthy estate…..
Yes, the legions of victims comprising the Targeted Individuals International group has been expanded recently, by one member……who was, past tense, one of the best friends of James Cameron, merrily walking around all of the film mogul’s properties & land, at his leisure…..this multi-millionaire doesn’t want his name mentioned at the moment, so this is a rough outline…..we are meaning the film-maker responsible for Avatar, Titanic, the second Alien 👽 film, Aliens…..
…….wandering around Cameron’s property, this guy is telling us he went into a room with a brain screen in it, he felt telepathic after he had seen it, it greatly increased his mental powers……this was a very big screen, in contrast to the soldiers being shown brain screens roughly like current desktop computers.
Cameron realised what had happened……immediately therefore, blocking this old friend totally from this vast amassing of bourgeoiserie ~~~~ & utilising the brain screen to hopefully make this new ally of Targeted Individuals International……look mad. So his description is very similar to mine, sharp stings all over his body all day & every day, making daily normality absolute hell, this multimillionaire & myself now sound very similar…..but he’s got his message across, & I am likening this development to the Jimmy Lawrence incident……I am wondering if Jimmy Lawrence had found a brain screen in Peter Gabriel’s extra-large studio…..and was killed immediately. Just like people who don’t like the ethics of the brain screen surveillance phenomenon in TV.
Whilst it is extremely unlikely Gabriel killed Lawrence, there is a military base close to Box……& soldiers do get asked to just kill, a former soldier described this to me. Yes, that’s right, soldiers in military bases are asked to just pick random innocent members of the public, and just kill them, to just give them the experience of the feeling of killing. The guy telling me of this, Keith, had refused to do it, and left the Army soon after. They’ll all be reported as suicides, or not be reported at all, or become frame-ups…….conversations with ex-prisoners, ex-cons, can be interesting……one, Les, tall, lanky guy, told me,
“To convey I’m telling the truth, I did commit the crime I was in for, illegal use of someone’s credit card……from the point of view of being a guilty criminal, I felt, I would say……about 60% hadn’t done what they were in for. Someone just seems to bang them in there. “