Kind of foreword-ish, as in old-fashioned book things…..v short in comparison – email if you’d like to interact – ~ is focused on a certain scientific discovery…..however, let’s start with examples of what might be on our authorities’ minds, what are people being paid anything from £/$/€100,000 to billions of £/$/€ per year……thinking about……?
In April 1974, I was told someone called Norman Scott would publically declare that Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe had hired a hitman to kill him to hide a gay relationship……two years later a guy called Norman Scott was all over the newspapers claiming Jeremy Thorpe had hired a hitman to kill him to hide a gay relationship – the hitman had supposedly decided to confess Jeremy Thorpe’s horrid plot to Norman Scott. The extreme right (constituting elements of American CIA, British MI5, disparate numbers of middle class retainers in many countries, prison officers, police) believed this story would swing ‘floating voters’ to vote conservative……which they did, they saw themselves as getting Margaret Thatcher into power 1979/1980, by means of the false Norman Scott story……they claimed they were in control of Mary Whitehouse, whom the public knew as campaining to stop erect penises being televised or shown on cinema screens. Quoting them,
“Our fave lie is to say someone’s gay, it’s the most off-putting thing to say about someone. We realise we can’t stick knives in the backs of, like, 23 people or something, so we had to discuss different methods of dealing with some people, so we tried telling lies like that, & it worked. People won’t believe that instead of killing someone that knows too much, we put a lie in the papers this guy’s gay…..we maybe kill them later on, coz the gay story creates a reason in the public’s mind they might have committed suicide.”
That would be easy with me, with a long-time girlfriend necessitating a train journey each time we saw each other (Edinburgh to Glenrothes, on a railway bridge over the Forth estuary, non-UK readers could type that into Google if they are sufficiently interested) & being praised by the local gay community for being much nicer to them than any other straight person, palling around with them…….because in those days, homosexual activities was still illegal in Scotland, England was more advanced & legalised regarding……….gays.
Now you readers have that as what you’re thinking about now ~ two days after declining this invitation to work with these guys, a story appeared on the front page of local newspaper, the Edinburgh Evening News…..supported by a very blurry photograph…..suggesting it is ‘possibly’ me in bed with another bloke, mentioning my name.
…….now get this……..
Jessie Hill was an old woman, in her seventies or eighties, who, in early June 1988, had obtained a handgun in Blackpool, her life-long home town. She intended to shoot a BBC television producer, catching a train to London, to then take the tube to the BBC TV Studios in Wood Lane, hoping to enter the complex and track this guy down, his name was never given in the reports. She was prevented from entering the complex by a guard, who possibly objected to the offensive appurtenance she was carrying in one hand (the gun), and that guard got shot in one of his hands for his day’s work – she was captured, held in a London jail cell, then appeared in court in London a few days later, but could only be put into permanent psychiatric care.
The Times was the only newspaper 📰 which made this front page news, it was a very minor story in all the others.
Jessie had claimed messages were being beamed into her head from these
studios, scenes and clothes she wore in Blackpool were being consciously mirrored by televised BBC personnel as she watched TV, whom basically she claimed were sort of gaslighting her, making her look nuts……except by way of some form of technological discovery which is being withheld from the general public, one can only presume…..& BBC personnel were having fun exploring it, exploiting public incredulity, at her expense. Why she thought a specific TV producer was central to remotely blighting her life, from TV studios, 300 miles away from Blackpool, we will probably never know.
Jessie has gone down in history as simply crazy….however, the daughter of a former BBC TV cameraman, two years later, told me something which might interest present-day relatives of their apparently nutty ancestor – & university lecturers in Edinburgh behaved strangely about it.
……the daughter of this retired BBC TV cameraman put me in touch with her father, Edward Bailey, me expressing curiosity regarding his belief he could make a device which can eavesdrop on people’s minds, & stated the frequency in order to do so, .3kz, 300 cycles per second. I had met his daughter attending Tai Chi classes.
Therefore London was the next stop, in the first few months of 1990, to ask him about building a brain-wave decoder, which resulted in a lot of incoherent mumbling as we sat facing each other in The Macrobiotic Restaurant in Old Street, no longer in existence……we were sitting eating our “macrobiotic” menu choices too, of course. He died a few months after meeting me; his daughter had hated him: there were no tears in Edinburgh, where she lived at the time. She said it had been a heart attack, he had been aged 65.
He had, however, given me a photocopy of the electromagnetic wavelength spectrum indicating the .3khz wavelength……from those cycles per second downwards, they are actually called the non-Hertzean frequency wavebands, and they’re not very easy to find out about. As you will soon see.
(I’ve decided to interject here, I did spend quite a bit of money on much trumpeted other versions of the electromagnetic wavelength spectrum in order to compare them with Edward Bailey’s version, but none had point three kilohertz indicated……I had to write that out because of predictive text, maybe should have written 300 Hertz……yet Hertz himself must have, as part of his biog, the mention of 300hz (roundabout your speaking pitches)… order to have “the non-Hertzean frequency range” as a big development in his individual life……however, it is very difficult to find out about…..the BBC, sometime during the 1980s, televised a half-hour TV programme about Thomas Edison stumbling upon a frequency enabling him to overhear thoughts……eavesdrop on you thinking…..Edison had had a particular assistant for some years……this assistant happened upon Edison listening (or watching, just as possibly, do we know?) utterly incredulously to this decoder…….(possibly as easily as undergraduate Ron was to tell me it would be, he had a thing that this discovery wouldn’t actually be all that intellectually impressive) but Edison has been suspected of having all the integrity of Santos Traficante of the American Mafia…..he pulled a gun out immediately & shot the assistant dead.
Meeting that former TV cameraman, Edward Bailey, gave me something to say to top-of-the-class Electrical Engineering student Ron, son of a very highly placed police officer, in fact, he said his father was the most highly placed police officer in Scotland……Ron was in his 3rd year at the time, attending Heriot-Watt University, and he and I resided in the same Edinburgh bedsitting zone. Like most university students in Edinburgh, over their years of study, they eventually grab a bedsitting room much bigger than the uni accommodation they start out in.
Prior to his matriculation, he had been a psychiatric nurse for two years, I do not know in which UK city, I now wish it had occurred to me to ask.
The publication of Tony Collins’ book, Open Verdict: 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defence Industry, had occurred early January of 1990, Ron & I had already discussed it……..a Sunday Times journalist said (in a January 1990 issue of The Sunday Times, conveying research Open Verdict had caused him to do) he had found out that every one of those dead men had been electromagnetic wavelength spectrum analysts, and that it was odd that the head of MI5 was a twice-convicted ‘pederast’, another word for a child molester.
Ron’s response about the low frequency of 300 cycles per second for mind reading, or mind listening…..was this:
“It’s impossible to use that frequency for communication purposes, or Edward Bailey’s reason. The length of the antennae 📡 for those frequencies makes it too difficult to use them.”
I answered,
“What, you mean like the 28-mile antenna embedded in the Chequamegon bedrock in Wisconsin in North America?”
“That’s impossible!! I don’t believe that!” (Bear in mind, that part of his shock at that moment, is despite years & years of university education, & such a massive antenna emplacement project… had never been described in any way by any of Ron’s Electrical Engineering lecturers, in Heriot-Watt University, in three years of Ron’s study there.)
“I’ll go down to the anti-nuclear guys who have photocopied Paul Brodeur’s articles about it for New Yorker magazine, bring them up here and show you them. Though if you don’t believe that, you won’t believe his writing about a 6,400-mile antenna.”
“Oh that’s absolutely ridiculous! I won’t believe that!”
“I’ll go down to Scram and photocopy the articles.”
I did that, nice to see the guys in Scram again, meanwhile Ron had exhibited some worry at establishment uni education……Paul Brodeur had written three consecutive New Yorker articles in three consecutive issues in 1974, we are approaching fifty years ago… article is about “Pave Paws” ~ the dark pyramid-ish thing in Fylingdales military base in Yorkshire, still visible right now in the twenty-twenties – that is a Pave Paws array.
……I returned to our bedsits……Ron sat reading Brodeur’s articles, the photocopying cost was a bit over £6, 1990s six pounds remember……I would have paid Scram approximately £14 in 2021 for the same favour today, without a profit.
“I can do a mathematical calculation on this 6,400-mile antenna”, Ron announced (which is interred amongst the Great Lakes in North America, can’t be more specific at the moment) an investigator called David Paulides (pow lie diss) has reported on quite a number of mysterious deaths in the Great Lakes area.
So Ron sat there doing a calculation on a sheet of paper, a look of surprise happened on his face, then he announced,
“That’s funny! That would get down to almost exactly 300 hertz!”
“Are you suspicious?”
“Yes! That can’t be used for submarine communications! They showed us why! A voice attempting to use that frequency sounds like a dalek! The navy uses a higher frequency for submarine communication, though we’re not supposed to talk about it.”
“So you’re saying Ronald Reagan must have been misleading the American public as to the reason for Project Sanguine, to improve communication with nuclear submarines under ice floes?”
“Yes! You won’t know the longer the antenna the greater the distance can be from the unit or radio using it. British technicians might be utilising that same big antenna now! Although we wouldn’t have thought it would be worth it to build it.”
Ron became suspicious of the mainstream media after that, and literally turned into (what is pejoratively referred to these days as) a conspiracy theorist from that moment on……besides his incredulity that there had been no university source for this data, this had come from Scram & myself.
Obviously, the BBC, if ever answering about “brain screens”, as one of my high school girlfriends called them (which doesn’t mean she was at my high school), thru her family’s American CIA connections, can exploit the confusion of them using an antenna in the USA, from London. And what are they doing with it?
80-02-05, 00545420, Mr David J Moncur, Bank Of Scotland – the London price is £300 for retinal photography, of the implant the ophthalmologist said he could see – a donation would be helpful.